
Building the UnATHI Fellowship 

The UnATHI Fellowship anchored by IHF strives to develop professional capacities in the housing sector through experiential training that incorporates both social and technical skills. The UnATHI Fellowship is designed to nurture young professionals by creating opportunities that promote a substantial impact in the housing ecosystem.  

A major requirement of enabling a housing ecosystem is to consciously establish knowledge networks by building on every key actor’s strengths. Their skills, knowledge and ideas need to be integrated in order to enhance the collective capacity of the ecosystem. The UnATHI fellow shall inspire a culture of collaboration among a range of sector stakeholders i.e government, non-profits, for-profits, sector experts and academic institutions, in order to influence housing policy decisions that shape practical urban outcomes. 

The key agenda of the UnATHI Fellowship is to provide strategic and implementation assistance to state driven housing initiatives by adopting the capacity building approach. A competent fellow will be paired with a government nominated resource person and shall be placed in the housing/urban development departments of the respective state government to undertake pre-decided activities. The fellows will move beyond basic information exchange to effectively working together on solutions. UnATHI Fellowship is IHF’s key engagement strategy to connect various stakeholders in the housing ecosystem.

The fellowship envisions to add a cadre of housing professionals to the sector who, through their field experiences and training at UnATHI Fellowship, will be able to respond to the real time challenges and incubate ideas to proactively meet current and future requirements of the sector. The fellows shall accelerate value addition to the sector by supporting meaningful creation, dissemination, and application of contextual and innovative solutions.